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Bruce Roberts-Goodson

Illustrated Custom Boatbuilding.
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 ROBERTS 434 Multi-chine version.



Delivered by DOWNLOAD to your computer within 12 hours of you placing your order. The study plans have lists of materials & equipment etc & these will be useful in costing out the complete boat. Each STUDY PLAN contains ALL the construction drawings for each material STEEL  or FIBERGLASS as applicable to the particular boat plan - with up to 25 sheets per plan!  Lists of materials - Technical information - Numerous construction drawings are all included.

You can view & print the drawings in full or in sections. BUILDING PHOTOS are included in the study plan package. PLUS you receive a FREE ( VALUE £69.00 ) e-book BUILD YOUR OWN BOAT. When you use your credit or debit card you will be charged at the correct exchange rate in your own currency.




£69.00 - $85.00 - €79.00


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€114.oo -  £99.00 - $125-00




SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER: COMPLETE BOAT PLANS & FULL SIZE FRAME PATTERNS ... Delivered by DOWNLOAD to your computer within 12 hours of you placing your order.  The plans have all the information you need to build your own boat. Each plan contains all the construction drawings for FIBERGLASS, ALUMINUM OR STEEL construction, plus bonus drawings covering electrical, plumbing and engineering, everything you need to build your boat.

Plus you will receive a DETAIL FOLIO showing how to make many of your own boat fittings, lists of materials and equipment are all included plus all technical information, numerous construction drawings and written building instructions are all included. You can view & print the drawings in full or in sections.

BUILDING PHOTOS are included in the plan package. PLUS you receive a FREE ( VALUE £69.00 ) e-book BUILD YOUR OWN SAILBOAT Only available at this price if you order off this page








plus extra plan sheets on rigging, electrics & plumbing







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ROBERTS 434 ( All versions & all materials. )

Radius Chine Steel, MC Steel, Fiberglass, Aluminum or Wood Epoxy.

This design has appealed to many serious cruising sailors, and is another in our range of medium displacement, fast performance cruisers which can be built in either multi chine or radius chine STEEL or ALUMINUM, in round bilge FIBREGLASS or in round bilge WOOD EPOXY. Full size frame patterns as well as cut to size steel STEEL OR ALUMINUM PLANS & CUTTING FILES are also available for this design.

The Roberts 434 can be rigged as either a Cutter, Sloop or Ketch and the many different versions give you the choice of either a low profile aft cockpit, a center cockpit version and also a pilot house version.  Already several versions of this design have made complete circumnavigation's - one was sailed single handed around the world in only 218 days. (Article printed below) Several others have taken part in round the world rallies. Many are being constructed in yards around the world with the pilot house version currently being one of our most popular designs.

You can purchase Study boat plans, Complete boat plans and Patterns, Pre-cut steel STEEL OR ALUMINUM PLANS & CUTTING FILES, Hull and Deck packages or complete boats built to this design. Please email for additional information. 

Radius Chine Steel, MC Steel, Fiberglass, Aluminum or Wood Epoxy.

This design has appealed to many serious cruising sailors, and is another in our range of medium displacement, fast performance cruisers which can be built in either multi chine or radius chine STEEL or ALUMINUM, in round bilge FIBREGLASS or in round bilge WOOD EPOXY. Full size frame patterns as well as cut to size steel STEEL OR ALUMINUM PLANS & CUTTING FILES are also available for this design.

The Roberts 434 can be rigged as either a Cutter, Sloop or Ketch and the many different versions give you the choice of either a low profile aft cockpit, a center cockpit version and also a pilot house version.  Already several versions of this design have made complete circumnavigation's - one was sailed single handed around the world in only 218 days. (Article printed below) Several others have taken part in round the world rallies. Many are being constructed in yards around the world with the pilot house version currently being one of our most popular designs.

You can purchase Study boat plans, Complete boat plans and Patterns, Pre-cut steel STEEL OR ALUMINUM PLANS & CUTTING FILES, Hull and Deck packages or complete boats built to this design. Please email for additional information. 


L.O.D. 13.20 m 43'   4"
L.W.L. 11.18 m 36'   8"
BEAM 4.10 m 13'   6"
DRAFT (Deep) 1.83 m 6'   0"
  (Shoal) 1.50 m 5'   0"
DlSPL. (FG or Alu or W/E) 11,567 kg 25,911 lb
DlSPL. (Steel) 13,330 kg 29,859 lb
BALLAST 3,996 Kg 8,809 lb
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ROBERTS 434  Version A

The Roberts 434 boat plans come with a variety of sail boat plans including sloop (shown) cutter and ketch. Other rigs are possible to suit your personal preference.


Hi Bruce, I studied calculus & Differential equations but it still amazes me as to how accurate your drawings are.  Everything is coming out to within a 1/16th of an inch.  I received the boat plans on Labor day and presently I have the stem completed, the keelson completed and will begin to install the first layer of stringers.  I will go and develop the photos that I have and send them to you. 

I built an 8' x 8' work bench to build the mould frames on and then tore that one down and built a 2'-8" x 16'-0" work bench to work on for the remaining parts.  I believe this saves me many hours of labor verses crawling around on the floor ( I too old anyway for that).  I also took 1/8" hardboard and made master full size patterns of the mould frames first. 

This was to improve accuracy and for future ease of cutting the bulkheads.

I find myself already wishing I was building a 65 footer so this very likely will not be the last design you sell to me. Don't forget to send me some names of others working on similar projects; I want to pick their brains for places to purchase materials at really good prices.
Have a Great Day!  Earl Rentmeester

Hi Bruce,

As you may recall, we were having some trouble sailing our yacht because I am not at all experienced.   Well. I guess we found out that we have a pretty fast boat.   We achieved 9.3 knots in 17 knots of wind and are very pleased.   Does that sound about what you would expect from your 434 design stretched to 47'-9"?

Have a spiffy G'Day  Earl

Bruce says:  Very creditable - You are getting the best out of this fine boat,



We now have many photos of the construction and the completed interior of this beautiful Roberts 434 built by Earl Rentmeester -

All these photos are included in the STUDY PLAN PACKAGE.



Hi Bruce,  Here is an update on my boat construction of your ROBERTS 434 B.  The more I get into this project the more I am admiring your skills as a navel architect.  I just realized that the engine can be made to easily be pulled up thru the cockpit floor without damaging the rest of the vessel.  Fantastic! 

When I attended the Chicago boat show last winter, I did not see that at all on the factory models; in fact the engine compartment was so compact, I pitied the mechanic that had to work on it.  ... Have a Spiffy Good Day!   Earl Rentmeester


HI Bruce,  I just thought I should mention that every marina we enter, our boat is the star attraction.   Many people have asked me what name brand boat I have because they would like to purchase one.  We have got so many compliments that I cannot number them. 

Just last weekend a fellow said now that is one cool sailboat and another heard him say it and he replied you got that right.  All the people in the marina usually come over to view our boat.  

So you get a feather in your hat Bruce!  I only lowered the pilothouse roof to make it more racy and sleek looking and changed the stern to a sugar scoop.  The design remains entirely yours, Bruce and I tell everyone what a great designer you are.

We have only been out in 8’ seas and the boat handles very smoothly and takes the seas with ease.  It was nice to hear from you again.  We recently got our 6 cu ft chest freezer to come one line and it works perfectly.  We have a separate 4.5 cu ft refrigerator.  We were handing out ice cream bars to the other gunkholers.    

Earl Rentmeester


The Roberts safety skeg is designed to take the best features from the LONG FIN / SKEG combination and add a SAFETY FACTOR.  Many of you may be aware that skegs in general are vulnerable to damage so here is our answer to this problem. EMAIL Bruce to more details of this development.


Check out the beautiful interior of this Roberts 434



Dear Mr Roberts,  A quick note to let you know that I have finished my circumnavigation in the Roberts 434.

She took 218 days and 8 hours sailing time to cover the 27,000 miles, In terms of elapsed time this is the fastest E-W ever by any kind of sailing vessel, but of course we do not get the world record as Guinness work on average speed and she was half a knot slower than the "Ocean Bound" (David Scott Cowper) nevertheless not bad for a backyard building job.

She is in excellent condition and could go around again given a bit of sail repair. She is very fast for a heavy boat (3 tons of stores). She often reached 10 knots and could sustain 9 knots for hours on end.

Her best day's run was 210 miles without current assistance. Her directional stability is excellent and in good conditions to windward she can hold her heading unaided for up to 20 minutes. I had one knockdown to 90 degrees and a few bad broaches but she picked herself up without difficulty.

She is a superb boat, indeed she has to be to bring an incompetent single handler like me home safely.

Best wishes to you and many thanks for a fine design. I am starting to think about something in the 60-65' range.  Yours,  Signed, Pat Garnett.


Roberts 434 Radius Chine Steel built in Riga, Latvia



Bob Isaacson writes: "I just bought a Roberts 434 pilothouse. I brought it down the coast of Washington, and hit some rough seas at the mouth of the Straits of Jan De Fuca.

The boat was GREAT, my friends that sailed a Downeast 38 from NW to Fiji and back said "The Roberts 434 has a great motion. It is cutter-rigged and we sailed it into Greys Harbor, across the bar, in about 10-20 kts of wind, it did fine.....I LOVE IT!!!

r434b-06[1].jpg (9611 bytes) ROBERTS 434

Wood Epoxy under construction ... This boat has now been completed and and is used in the charter business in Europe .. the owners are delighted with the boat which is fitted with special shoal keel that we designed for this particular boat.


Version D

Roberts 434 ... When you order the study boat plans or complete boat plans and full size frame patterns you will receive ALL versions of this design including A, B, C, D and E


Bruce:  We have built your Offshore 44 design in steel are very happy with her.  She is a wonderful, comfortable and well sailing boat.  We want to enter a couple of low key races this year with her before we go off cruising.  One of the questions on the handicap form is the year that she was designed.  What year was she designed anyway?  We started construction in 1985, launched in 2002 and have been enjoying her ever since.  For your enjoyment I have attached a photo of her taken last September in Tamales Bay, about 50 miles north of San Francisco.  Thanks for such a great boat. David and Rose Eberhard s/v Valkyrie
This illustration shows the male hull mold covered with either thin pre-laminated fiberglass strips or inexpensive plywood or hard-board followed by the inner fiberglass laminate, next either foam or balsa core and finally the outer layers of fiberglass. Note the area of the keel is not cored but has additional fiberglass laminate to provide maximum strength in this area.
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On the left we see the C-Flex Fiberglass being installed on a hull mold as described above. Similar methods are used to install core material such as Corecell or Airex foam.


On the left we see hull rolled over to the upright position and then the mold is lifted out of the hull shell. The mold is sometimes removed in one piece as shown here or in parts depending on the shape of the hull and the method used to laminate the hull.


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Roberts 434 small portion of a very large interior.

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A perfect finish on a Roberts 434 Radius Chine
steel hull built in
the U.K.



ROBERTS 434 TO ICELAND: Hello Bruce Just thought you might be interested to know we were paying customers on a  Roberts 434 sailboat in Iceland this year. Our skipper Ashley Woods had built the boat, 'Bold Explorer' himself. Bold Explorer felt extremely sea kindly and safe, and was simple but fun to sail. She has a large deck saloon which allows you to see the horizon from inside the boat, a great boon on the colder days. We felt confident sailing her around the wild and beautiful North West coast of Iceland up to the Drangajokull glacier. I think Ash is intending to go back to Iceland this year, and also to Norway, perhaps to the Lofoten Islands. (We have no financial arrangement with Ashley, we were just happy with the trip). Yours Lesley Whitfield and Paul Brittain Ashley's website is:

ROBERTS 44 OWNER: Bruce   I have owned a Roberts 44 for over 10 years. The boat was built in Hong Kong, the original owner was Halsey. "Andale" is her name, when I bought her she was suffering form a bad case of neglect. I repaired and refitted her over a period of 5 years. We lived in Sausalito aboard her for 6 years, then sailed her to Mexico, where we have sailed her in Mexican waters for the past few years. We have sailed her in all kinds of conditions, some a little rougher than we like, but she has always come through. I want to thank you for designing a boat such as her. In most all the anchorage's, she is always the most beautiful. We get a lot of compliments, she makes you feel good just looking at her. Any information you might have it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for designing a boat such as Andale'
Tom Sanford & Crew S/V Andale'

RAPID RESPONSE: CHEERS BRUCE,  I Received your study boat plans some time ago, But I haven't had time to Thank you for your rapid response. So thanks Bruce, the boat plans are a good carrot for me to chew on while I start to save for Boat Building . My choice of boat would be the Steel hulled 434,There's a couple of my Diving Buddy's at work on their 434's as I write this E-mail Today. Both boats look pretty impressive, I can't wait to start on my baby.    Thanks  S.J.Robinson.
MOVING BULKHEADS: Good-Day BRUCE  On the Radius chine 434 version C that I am building I noticed that there are a number of bulkheads that need to be fitted. Are all of them required as I would like to have a more of an open plan interior. At present I have completed the frames and fitted them to the strong-back and should have the stringers fitted by end of May. I did not realize that boat building could be so simple. Lastly I must congratulate you on the quality a simplicity of the boat plans they are easy to read. Regards, Johan Boes

ROBERTS 44 built in Poland: We recently had a letter from Andrzej Povsko who built a Roberts 44 in Poland.... Andrzej writes: In 1985 I built a boat in Poland, the plan was a Roberts 44 (your design). I sailed a few seasons in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. In 1989 I sailed from Europe to the USA. The yacht is absolutely perfect, strong, fast, seaworthy and very dependable. I felt very secure in the boat and very satisfied. Sincerely,  Andrzej Povsko

ANOTHER ROBERTS 434: Dear Sir, A customer of yours named Lou Hunter built a 434 in Alameda, CA and they left for Mexico and points south in Nov. 1998.You'll be glad to know that Lou did a beautiful job, the boat was comparable to what very top quality professional yard would do. I haven't heard from him since he left, but he was an experienced cruiser and no doubt he and his wife, a very nice lady (whose patience I have great admiration for), are enjoying themselves greatly. He said the boat was very fast but was very comfortable and felt very secure. The name of the boat is "Tin Can", if you hear anything about a boat by that name you can bet it's Lou's 434 because I don't there's anyone else in the world who'd give their boat a name like that!!! Some day I'm follow Lou's example, although I may opt for a larger boat. Regards, Paul Braga  Note from Bruce.....If you see this boat or any other Roberts 434.....let us know....we would like to hear from you.

OWNER / BUILDERS COMMENTS:   Dear Bruce  I have owned a Roberts 44 offshore for the last few years and its has proved itself to be a great boat. This year it gets a new set of sails however I do not have a set of sail boat plans for it and I am wondering if they are still available. The boat is cutter rigged but sailed mostly as a sloop. Any information on any upgrades to the sail plan to improve performance would be appreciated as well. Great web site. Keep up the good work.            Bruce Winpenny

COMMENT ON R434 boat plans: Dear Bruce, I received the Roberts 434 boat plans and reviewed them thoroughly. They are very detailed and I am very pleased with them. I'm sorry I haven't e-mailed sooner; my computer has been down for two weeks. Meanwhile, I have been constructing a shed and a gantry for the project. I hope to progress quickly with the beginning phases of construction. I have finally found a steel supplier that has low-carbon steel. They are Toll Metals in Atlanta, Georgia. In your book, you recommend sticking to one paint manufacturer through all of the finish. Can you recommend any paint manufacturer who supplies primer like Sigma-weld), as well as finish paint? I plan to blast and pre-prime the steel as you suggest, so I need to think about a primer that will be compatible with the final finish. Thanks again for the awesome boat plans. I'm sure I will have more questions in the future  Thanks again, Andrew Flips